The Danger of Isthmus Rulers in the Middle East
Understanding “Isthmus Rulers” and Their Authoritarian Tactics
As we reflect on Middle Eastern governance, the concept of “Isthmus rulers” offers a key insight. These small, ruthless factions operate like bottlenecks in governance, where a minority maintains control through terror and disenfranchisement. Unlike traditional governments, they rely on mercenaries and mobs rather than a legitimate military or law enforcement. Examples include the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Assad government in Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The Fragility of Isthmus Rulers
Despite their facade of power, these regimes are inherently fragile. They are often plagued by internal divisions and rely on the loyalty of uneducated foot soldiers. Their reliance on mercenaries, whose loyalty can be bought, further underscores their instability. These regimes thrive on chaos and corruption, using terrorism, trafficking, and international violations to maintain power.
The Role of Global Powers in Sustaining Chaos
The endurance of these terror-inducing governments can be attributed to the short-sighted strategies of global powers. Financial transfers like the ones made under Presidents Obama and Biden emboldened regimes like Iran, funding militant groups like Hezbollah and contributing to global destabilization. This failure to recognize the dangers of Isthmus rulers has far-reaching consequences, not only in the Middle East but globally.